Table 6. Student responses to online survey about experience of formative OSCE*
Question Agree Total(%) Disagree Total(%) Agree 2013(%) Disagree 2013(%) Agree 2014(%) Disagree 2014(%)
The formative OSCE helped me to prepare for the summative OSCE 70.6 14.9 76.0 9.9 60.7 22.3
I felt confident going into the summative OSCE 28.9 39.3 31.2 32.8 25.7 51.3
I was less anxious going into the summative OSCE because of my experience of the formative OSCE 56.8 24.4 64.0 18.2 46.0 35.4
I think I have done better in the summative OSCE compared to the formative OSCE 52.3 19.3 50.0 18.8 57.1 20.5

*Agree = percentage of students choosing "Strongly Agree" or "Agree"; Disagree = percentage of students choosing "Strongly Disagree" or "Disagree"

Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:76-83; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5572.a534