Table 2. Cronbach alpha across R-SPQ-2F and DREEM questionnaires evaluating for internal consistency within each domain
Questionnaire Domains Cronbach alpha
R-SPQ-2F Deep Motive 0.746
Deep Strategy 0.604
Surface Motive 0.688
Surface Strategy 0.76
SPT 0.646
SPP 0.676
SPA 0.752
SSP 0.667

SPL, subjective perception of learning. SPT, subjective perception of teachers. SPS, subjective academic perception. SPA, subjective perception of atmosphere. SSP, social self-perception. R-SPQ-2F, Revised Study Process Questionnaire of Two Factors. DREEM, Dundee Ready Education Environment Measure.

Int J Med Educ. 2019; 10:62-67; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5c88.029d