Table 1. Results of the general linear mixed model evaluating the association of 706 students' MBTI preferences pairs and MMI score for the UCDSVM veterinary medical classes during the fall of 2017 through the fall of 2021
Parameter Estimate (95% CI) F-value p - value
Intercept 96.3280 (93.5729, 99.0831)   < 0.0001
E and I 1.9655 (-0.3488, 4.2798) 3.30 0.0959
S and N 0.9424 (-1.4497, 3.3346) 0.40 0.4395
T and F 2.2421  (-0.08679, 4.5710) 3.59 0.0591
P and J -0.7235 (-3.1955 1.7485) 0.38 0.5657

E=Extraversion; I=Introversion; S=Sensing; N=Intuition; T=Thinking; F=Feeling; J=Judging; and P=Perceiving

Int J Med Educ. 2019; 10:16-22; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5c39.c815