Table 2. Reported CanMEDS roles related to students’ ongoing learning activities
   Variable N %
Total number of distributed questionnaires 1,554 100
Total number of returned questionnaires 1,417 92
Excluded questionnaires 27 2
  Valid questionnaires 1,390 89
Number of questionnaires per student, mean (range) of valid questionnaires 18.8 (9–21)
CanMEDS roles*
Medical expert 814 59
Communicator 398 29
Collaborator 260 19
Manager 234 17
Scholar 844 61
Health advocate 82 6
Professional 261 19
6th 413 30
7th 480 35
8–9th 490 35
Missing data/unknown 7 1

*Students were asked to report two CanMEDS roles each time. Thus, the percentages add up to >100%.

Int J Med Educ. 2019; 10:68-74; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5c94.9391