Table 3. Pearson correlations for PHEEM and D-RECT domains
D-RECT / PHEEM Domains Perceptions of teaching and learning Teaching and social support/counselling opportunities Fairness of the program Autonomy Accommodation and catering facilities
Coaching and assessment 0.61** 0.51** 0.24** 0.68** 0.25**
Accessibility of supervisors 0.52** 0.41** 0.30** 0.55** 0.34**
Role of specialty tutor 0.61** 0.37** 0.29** 0.57** 0.29**
Teamwork 0.43** 0.34** 0.27** 0.40** 0.36**
Resident peer collaboration 0.24** 0.15* 0.13* 0.28** 0.13
Educational atmosphere 0.63** 0.51** 0.35** 0.50** 0.37**
Formal education 0.63** 0.53** 0.35** 0.62** 0.34**
Work is adapted to residents’ competence 0.47** 0.36** 0.27** 0.45** 0.24**
Patient sign-out 0.50** 0.38** 0.18** 0.54** 0.17*

* <0.05; ** <0.01

Int J Med Educ. 2019; 10:138-148; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5d0c.bff7