Table 2. The Student adaptation to college questionnaire and subscale mean scores and maximum score approach rate
Subscales Item number Expected score Observed score  
Min-max Mean (SD) Min. Max. Maximum Score Approach Rate (%)
Academic adjustment (AA) 24 24-216 130.59 (26.24) 63.00 189.00 60.46
AA motivation 6 6-54 38.73 (7.24) 17.00 54.00 71.72
AA application 4 4-36 22.18 (6.26) 7.00 34.00 61.61
AA performance 9 9-81 42.27 (11.34) 20.00 69.00 52.19
AA academic environment 5 5-45 26.42 (5.37) 8.00 38.00 58.70
Social adjustment (SA) 20 20-180 102.14 (20.03) 48.00 153.00 56.75
SA general 7 7-63 37.63 (8.40) 19.00 58.00 59.73
SA other people 7 7-63 36.06 (8.33) 10.00 55.00 57.23
SA nostalgia 3 3-27 15.67 (5.52) 3.00 27.00 58.04
SA social environment 3 3-27 12.78 (4.63) 3.00 27.00 47.34
Personal / emotional adjustment (PEA) 15 15-135 77.31 (21.23) 30.00 125.00 57.27
PEA psychological 9 9-81 45.28 (13.95) 12.00 75.00 55.90
PEA physiological 6 6-54 32.03 (8.83) 10.00 52.00 59.31
Goal commitment / institutional attachment (AT) 15 15-135 89.29 (17.98) 53.00 130.00 66.14
AT general 3 3-27 21.23 (5.47) 7.00 27.00 78.62
AT this college 4 4-36 25.99 (7.58) 7.00 36.00 72.20
The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire 67 67-603 407.44 (68.29) 273.00 581.00 67.57
Int J Med Educ. 2020; 11:62-72; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5e47.d7de