Table 3. Brief COPE subscales and score averages
Subscales Item number Min-max score Mean (SD)
Planning 14-25 2-8 6.51 (1.28)
Acceptance 20-24 2-8 5.85 (1.28)
Active coping 2-7 2-8 5.84 (1.35)
Positive reframing 12-17 2-8 5.67 (1.28)
Self-blame 13-26 2-8 5.58 (1.51)
Self-distraction 1-19 2-8 5.58 (1.51)
Use of instrumental support 10-23 2-8 5.38 (1.58)
Venting 9-21 2-8 5.11 (1.46)
Religion 22-27 2-8 5.07 (1.84)
Use of emotional support 5-15 2-8 4.95 (1.49)
Humor 18-28 2-8 4.69 (1.66)
Denial 3-8 2-8 3.92 (1.52)
Behavioral disengagement 6-16 2-8 3.87 (1.56)
Substance use 4-11 2-8 3.06 (1.73)
Int J Med Educ. 2020; 11:62-72; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5e47.d7de