Table 3. Swedish doctors’ experiences regarding physician–patient communication (concept verification)
Theme Main concept Concept Code Meaning Unit (A sample of quotation)
Patient centeredness Equity Ø  Patient belief* Ø  Patient experience Ø  Shared decision making Doctors decision making is depending on patient belief   Shared decision making will bring patient convey Quote: Sometimes I make a decision depending on the patient's culture and mind map. Participants: 1,3,5,7   Quote: Involving patient through decision making will end up to her convince. Participants: 3,5,7
Illnesses experience Ø  Emotional expression Different pain expressions due to their different cultures Quote: As I remember, patients from Middle East express their pains much more severe than Swedish patient's. Participants: 3,4,5,12   Quote: Sometimes eastern patient pain threshold is lower than western patient and it is hard for me to estimate how serious their illness is. Participants: 1,2,6,8
Doctors accountability Ø  Clarify patient situation Ø  Patient satisfaction Patient satisfaction Being sure of patient receiving message   Quote: I myself describe the situation for patient. Participants: 1,3,5,6   Quote: I prefer to clarify situation for my patient, he should feel satisfaction when he leaves my office. Participants: 1,2,4,8   Quote: I try to understand him to convey message of convenience. Participants: 1,3,5,9
Int J Med Educ. 2020; 11:158-168; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5f19.5749