Table 2. The beneficiary population of the community exercise, Cota (Colombia), 2015 (n=482)
Grade Age range (years) Males Females Direct Beneficiaries* Indirect Beneficiaries† Total
Transition 4 to 5 7 6 13 44 57
Sixth 12 to 13 17 15 32 122 154
Seventh 13 to 14 14 17 31 122 153
Ninth 15 to 21 15 16 31 87 118
Total 4 to 21 53 54 107 375 482

* Students of the school and preschool in Cota † People in the close family of the students in Cota

Int J Med Educ. 2020; 11:120-126; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5eb4.620f