Table 1. Focus group interview guide
1 What was your learning outcome?
2 What do you think you have learned from working together with another medical student or a nursing student?
3 Do you think that the medical/nursing student had expectations of you – and could you fulfil those expectations?
4 What do you think of responsibility and role distribution in the two dyads?
5 What was the relevance of collaborating with another medical student or a nursing student?
6 Did anything in the collaboration surprise you?
7 Do you think differently about your own profession after this learning experience?
8 What has the pedagogical approach meant for your learning outcome?
9 Can you use what you have learned in the two settings in your future work as a doctor?
Int J Med Educ. 2020; 11:191-200; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5f50.bc76