Table 4. Differences in the number of times permission to observe and perform examinations were denied by gender
Number of times Female students (%) (N = 97) Male students  (%) (N = 61) p-value*  
Number of times permission to observe a gynaecological examination was denied    
0 96 (99) 27 (44) < 0.001
≥ 1 1 (1) 34 (56) < 0.001
<3 97 (100) 37 (61) < 0.001**
≥3 0 (0) 24 (39) < 0.001**
≤5 97 (100) 52 (85) < 0.001**
>5 0 (0) 9 (15) < 0.001**
Number of times permission to perform an examination was denied    
0 66 (68) 11 (18) < 0.001
≥1 31 (32) 50 (82) < 0.001
<3 91 (94) 41 (67) < 0.001
≥3 6 (6) 20 (33) < 0.001
≤5 96 (99) 50 (82) < 0.001**
>5 1 (1) 11 (18) < 0.001**

*it is based on the χ2 test

**It is based on Fisher's exact test

Int J Med Educ. 2021; 12:233-242; doi: 10.5116/ijme.617f.b261