Table 3. Examples from the content analysis process; condensed meaning units, categories and sub-themes corresponding to the three themes from the focus group interview with hospital-employed healthcare professionals
Meaning units (Examples of each theme) Category   Subtheme   Theme  
“I think we try and help coordinate if a patient comes and says “I am going in for a check this day and that day´. If it is easy then we help, but we will not move heaven and earth to make it happen.” (Female, nurse, R19) Trying to help coordinating appointments when patients request it, provided it is easy and not too time-consuming Acknowledging a lack of coordination within the healthcare system Operating in a contemporary healthcare system
“They can be very scared and anxious. We experience that when they call four times a week until they get back on their feet. They can have all kinds of questions.” (Female, nurse, R21) Anxiety and doubts as a driver for patient questions and contact to healthcare professionals. The need to learn in a new life situation with HF Accessibility of healthcare professionals serves to overcome patient doubts and worries Understanding patients’ need for support and expressing doubts and queries  
“We invite close relatives because there are so many practical things like changing bandages, alarms and how to react, how to change a battery and how to change the controller. That is why we invite them. We are often in dialogue with them. It is very often the close relatives who phone and say “we” have a fever but other close relatives we rarely see.” (Female, nurse, R21) Healthcare professionals take initiatives to involve close relatives to assist with practical patient care and experience that the involvement of close relatives is very diverse Taking on the role of care provider and care coordinator   Acknowledging the role and engagement of close relatives
Int J Med Educ. 2022; 13:345-362; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6399.eef4