Table 1. Post-Module Survey Responses
Question Mixed reality Dissection p-value
Mean (SD) (N = 37) Mean (SD) (N = 37)
First reaction to breast module 4.51 (0.56) 3.95 (0.91) < .003*
Understanding of Breast Anatomy 2.59 (0.80) 2.72 (0.97) .62
Ease of learning using modality 1.89 (0.61) 3.46 (0.85) < .001*
Ease of performing task using modality 1.95 (0.78) 2.42 (1.03) .45
Ability to work as a team using modality   1.30 (0.62) 1.73 (0.93) .03*

*p < .05, Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

Note:  5-point Likert scale: 1 = Very Negative, 5 = Very Positive for “first reaction to breast module”; all others 1 = Very Easy, 5 = Very Difficult

Int J Med Educ. 2022; 13:107-114; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6250.0af8