Table 2. Wilcoxson signed-rank test
Survey Question N Face-to-face Online Z p- value
Mean SD Mean SD
Arriving on time and remaining with team 101 4.74 .33 4.38 .55 -6.211 .000
Giving constructive feedback 101 4.72 .32 4.73 .29 -.618 .536
Accepting constructive feedback 101 4.72 .40 4.75 .27 -.700 .484
Showing respect and sensitivity to others 101 4.81 .25 4.83 .30 -1.137 .256
Demonstrating integrity and accountability 101 4.85 .17 4.84 .27 -.402 .688
Interacting professionally with team members 101 4.81 .22 4.84 .20 -1.584 .113
Int J Med Educ. 2023; 14:36-42; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6413.4ecd