Table 1. The adaptive learning platform (ALP) indicators (independent variables)
ALP measures Operational definition and contextual relationship to self-regulated learning
Diagnostic test performed - The percentage of diagnostic tests completed by the student before learning modules. In the ALP, diagnostic tests are referred to as Determine Knowledge operation. - A proxy for Self-awareness (conscientiousness) and effective learning strategy (i.e., using the Determine Knowledge operation to guide the learning process).
Knowledge state - The average achievement that students accomplish in a module via assessment exercises. - An outcome measure that will indirectly impact other variables in relation to SRL contextualization (e.g., self-awareness, engagement, and effort/motivation).
Knowledge covered - The percentage of topics (topics’ entire content) completed for the course modules. Content within a topic could include a variety of instructional resources, such as text, animations, practice tests, case studies, assignments, postings, and discussions. If students cover all topic activities related to a module within the ALP, the system documents 100% for percentage of topics completed. - A proxy for students’ engagement with the ALP course content.
Completed objectives - Percentage of learning objectives completed, regardless of the due date. - A proxy for self-monitoring (conscientiousness) and organization (time management skills). 
Timely completed objectives Percentage of learning objectives completed before the due date. - A proxy for self-monitoring and organization (more mature time organization strategies).
Number of practice operations Total number of assessment questions at the objective level with a recorded value, independent of those where students practiced initially during their first exposure to the learning modules. - A proxy for effort (persistent behavior) or effective learning strategy (following the ALP algorithmic suggestions to practice more).
Number of revisions Total of the revised operations with a recorded value for which student’s returned to previously completed lessons and assessments questions. - A proxy for effort/motivation (persistent behavior) or effective learning strategy (following the ALP algorithmic suggestions to perform more revision).
Number of lessons - Number of lessons on new learning objectives that were started by the student. - A proxy for engagement or effective learning strategy (i.e., using the Determine Knowledge operation to provide targeted content).
Total activities - Total number of lessons that were started, along with practice and determine knowledge operations. - An encompassing proxy for engagement with the ALP course content.
Average score - Average score for the contributing activities, from lessons or assessment operations. - An outcome measure that will indirectly impact other variables in relation to SRL contextualization (e.g., self-awareness, engagement, and effort/motivation)
Improvement after activities - Percentage of recorded activities that led to an improvement (i.e., lessons that demonstrated growth/increase in student’s knowledge state level. - A proxy for effective learning strategy or productive struggle.
Number of assessments - Number of questions that were accessed, attempted and/or completed by the student. - A proxy for engagement and effort.
Correctly answered assessments Percentage of questions that were marked correct. - A proxy for engagement.
Incorrectly answered assessments - Percentage of questions where the provided answers were wrong, incomplete, or for which no answer was supplied. - A proxy for effort (persistent behavior).
Total time - Total number of minutes that were spent in lessons or practice/determined knowledge operations. - A proxy for engagement with the ALP course content.
Int J Med Educ. 2023; 14:137-144; doi: 10.5116/ijme.64f6.e3db