Table 1. The summary of the participants’ demographic and background information
Category (Abb.) (Question numbers) N=439 %
Regions (Q0)    
  Seoul 82 18.7
Bucheon 146 33.3
Cheonan 124 28.2
Gumi 87 19.8
Sex (Q1)    
  Male 99 22.6
Female 340 77.4
Age (Q2)    
  20~29 89 20.3
30~39 127 28.9
40~49 135 30.8
≥ 50 88 20.0
Occupation (Q3 & Q3-1)    
  Hospital service workers 82 18.7
Nursing assistants 26 5.9
Healthcare providers 289 65.8
Medical technicians 32 7.3
Pharmacists 5 1.1
Hospital operation workers 5 1.1
Years of work experience (Q4)    
  1~4 years 107 24.4
5~9 years 80 18.2
10~19 years 109 24.8
≥ 20 years 143 32.6
English competency (Q6)    
  None 79 18.0
Beginner 274 62.4
Intermediate 76 17.3
Advanced 10 2.3
Multicultural patients attended to per year (Q7)    
  0 100 22.8
1~9 patients 207 47.2
10~19 patients 65 14.8
≥ 20 patients 67 15.3
Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:66-79; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6667.2270