Table 3. Statistical comparisons between the groups for dependent variables
Region Seoul 11.77 1.710 14.92 5.010 23.90 3.897 10.87 2.261 13.31 3.813
Bucheon 11.18 1.758 14.65 4.601 23.30 2.984 11.45 1.779 13.55 3.655
Cheonan 11.39 1.767 13.63 5.546 22.95 4.254 11.25 2.087 12.62 3.925
Gumi 11.20 1.582 14.01 3.931 22.77 3.278 11.15 1.868 12.92 3.394
Sexb Malea 11.89 1.761 14.18 5.352 23.85 3.751 11.07 1.976 13.59 4.066
Female 11.22*** 1.670 14.18 4.716 22.95* 3.686 11.22 2.023 12.85 3.593
Age 20~29 11.18 1.655 15.02†† 5.328 23.21 3.505 11.28 1.877 13.62† 3.791
30~39a 11.39 1.718 13.06 4.426 22.98 3.964 11.10 2.015 12.39 3.333
40~49 11.42 1.717 14.70† 4.810 23.17 3.733 11.29 1.947 13.64†† 3.829
≥50 11.48 1.762 14.16 4.818 23.31 3.576 11.05 2.243 12.35 3.766
Occupation Hospital service workers 11.15** 1.664 13.40 5.540 21.91 3.991 11.04 2.163 12.88 4.378
Nursing assistantsa 9.65 1.093 13.77 3.787 20.31 2.923 10.19 2.040 13.92 2.637
Healthcare providers 11.59*** 1.683 14.53 4.695 23.72*** 3.487 11.37 1.947 13.02 3.668
Medical technicians 11.56*** 1.703 13.66 4.455 23.63** 3.748 10.72 2.004 13.13 3.035
Pharmacists 11.00 1.225 15.40 8.820 25.00 3.162 11.60 2.302 10.40 1.517
Hospital operation workers 10.80 2.168 11.20 4.438 20.40 4.278 10.60 1.140 12.40 4.561
Years of work experience 1~4 years 11.21 1.705 14.86 5.089 22.56 3.795 10.95 1.978 13.31 3.549
5~9 years 11.15 1.647 13.85 5.009 23.96 3.723 11.28 2.146 12.66 3.614
10~19 years 11.62 1.757 13.38 4.662 23.14 3.625 11.25 1.738 13.06 3.549
≥ 20 years 11.51 1.843 14.48 4.696 23.15 3.674 11.26 2.155 12.96 4.017
English competency Nonea 10.89 1.405 12.51 4.498 21.81 3.853 11.47 2.269 12.37 3.735
Beginner 11.24 1.684 14.06 4.687 23.11* 3.486 11.41 1.858 12.60 3.445
Intermediate 12.11*** 1.786 16.09*** 4.967 24.36*** 3.867 10.39** 1.905 14.51** 3.726
Advanced 13.20*** 1.398 16.30 6.447 25.80** 3.765 8.90** 2.025 18.20*** 4.077
Multicultural patients per year 0a 11.16 1.502 12.95 4.229 22.24 3.859 11.50 2.200 11.48 3.762
1~9 patients 11.19 1.636 14.37 4.416 23.07† 3.564 11.17 1.824 13.01†† 3.269
10~19 patients 11.51 1.830 15.06†† 5.673 23.83†† 3.296 11.12 2.254 13.78††† 3.769
≥ 20 patients 12.13††† 1.914 14.60†† 5.875 24.12†† 4.051 10.82 1.999 14.58††† 4.061
Multicultural experience No experiencea 11.16 1.502 12.95 4.229 22.24 3.859 11.50 2.200 11.48 3.762
Have foreign friends 11.19†† 1.636 14.37 4.416 23.07†† 3.564 11.17 1.824 13.01†† 3.269
Overseas work experience 11.51††† 1.830 15.06†† 5.673 23.83† 3.296 11.12* 2.254 13.78††† 3.769
Lived abroad ≥ 6 months 12.13†† 1.914 14.60 5.875 24.12† 4.051 10.82* 1.999 14.58† 4.061
Multicultural Training experience No experiencea 11.11 1.551 13.59 4.730 22.85 3.688 11.21 2.000 12.69 3.690
Had in undergraduate course 11.72 1.852 15.52* 4.859 23.82 3.825 11.17 2.101 13.53 3.322
Had professional development 12.64† 1.604 20.60*** 5.138 25.33 3.374 10.67 2.380 16.13 4.502
Volunteer work 12.08†† 1.778 17.00*** 5.336 23.89 4.181 10.66 2.109 14.96 4.059
Organizational settings and resources No supporta 11.21 1.561 12.95 4.925 22.12 3.883 11.11 1.926 11.95 3.682
Peer support 11.77 1.793 15.42††† 5.166 24.17††† 3.702 11.00 2.151 13.98††† 4.087
Organizational awareness 11.56 1.721 15.21††† 5.016 23.89††† 3.609 11.12 2.101 13.76††† 3.769
Translator(s) 11.42 1.752 14.24† 4.597 23.45†† 3.635 11.22 2.045 13.23†† 3.648

Note: Statistically significant p values are indicated in bold compared to the control group a.

a Control group; b Mann-Whitney U Test; * One-way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’ post hoc test (*p<.05, **p<.01, *** p<.001); † Kruskal-Wallis Test followed by Pairwise comparison (†p<.05, ††p<.01, ††† p<.001)

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:66-79; doi: 10.5116/ijme.6667.2270