Table 5. Comparison of the subjective cognition in development planning of eight-year medical students
Basic characteristics Group A Group B P
(n = 290) (%) (n = 326) (%)
I can develop interest, clarify aspirations, make career plans, and survive in society      
  Totally disagree 1(0.3) 1(0.3) 0.001**
  Disagree 8(2.8) 13(4.0)
  Uncertain 71(24.5) 62(19.0)
  Agree 136(46.9) 111(34.1)
  Totally agree 74(25.5) 139(42.6)
I think the learning experience in old campus is good for the future study, life and research      
  Totally disagree 3(1.0) 15(4.6) 0.93
  Disagree 31(10.7) 20(6.1)
  Uncertain 71(24.5) 83(25.5)
  Agree 91(31.4) 104(31.9)
  Totally agree 94(32.4) 104(31.9)
I can persistently pursue my major and correct learning attitude with love for medicine      
  Totally disagree 2(0.7) 2(0.6) 0.011*
  Disagree 5(1.7) 1(0.3)
  Uncertain 38(13.1) 27(8.3)
  Agree 91(31.4) 94(28.8)
  Totally agree 154(53.1) 202(62.0)
I can't deal well with survival pressure with an ambiguous developmental direction      
  Totally disagree 117(40.3) 172(52.8) 0.008**
  Disagree 91(31.4) 79(24.2)
  Uncertain 48(16.6) 39(12.0)
  Agree 18(6.2) 17(5.2)
  Totally agree 16(5.5) 19(5.8)

The nonparametric test was used for the comparison. P < 0.05 was indicated in bold. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Group A (n1 = 290) and group B (n2 = 326) were included.

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:48-58; doi: 10.5116/ijme.661d.10af