Table 3. Comparison of the latent profile groups along the ISS subscale average scores
Variable IA “Interculturally Average” IU “Interculturally Uncertain” IS “Interculturally Sensitive” IR “Interculturally Refusing” F* overall df p
m (SD) 95% CI lower, upper m (SD) 95% CI lower, upper m (SD) 95% CI lower, upper m (SD) 95% CI lower, upper
ISS Engagement .05 (.77) -.05, .15 -.27 (1.22) -.55, .01 .57 (.69) .45, .69 -1.22 (1.03) -1.50, -.94 57.97 3,499 .001
ISS Respect .12 (.65) .04, .20 .01 (.68) -.14, .17 .56 (.52) .56, .74 -2.12 (.69) -2.31, -1.94 254.14 3,499 .001
ISS Confidence -.08 (.71) -.17, .01 -1.26 (.71) -1.42, -1.10 1.02 (.52) .93, 1.11 -.39 (.89) -.63, -.15 188.87 3,499 .001
ISS Attentiveness -.10 (.90) -.21, .01 -.38 (.85) -.57, -.18 .78 (.69) .66, .89 -.88 (1.03) -1.16, -.60 61.15 3,499 .001
ISS Enjoyment .17 (.457) .09, .24 -1.50 (.59) -1.64, -1.37 .91 (.40) .84, .98 -.86 (.96) -1.12, -.59 311.76 3,499 .001
n 241   76   132   54    

ISS Engage. = interaction engagement, ISS Resp. = respect for cultural differences, ISS Conf. = interaction confidence, ISS Atten. = interaction attentiveness, ISS Enjoy. = interaction enjoyment

*all pairwise comparisons are significantly different (p < .05) using Bonferroni procedure in post-hoc test

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:113-123; doi: 10.5116/ijme.66dd.beb3