Table 3. The moderating effects on the relationship between perceived stress (PS) and depressive symptoms
 Moderating effects PS coefficient [LLCI, ULCI] Moderator coefficient [LLCI, ULCI] Interaction coefficient [LLCI, ULCI] Covariate coefficients [LLCI, ULCI] F
Parent support .29*** [.25, .34] -.08*** [-.11, -.05] -.03*** [-.06, .00] Age -.01 [-.02, .00] 36.43***
     R2 = .22 Gender .15** [.04, .26]
     R2 change = .01* Subject .02* [.00, .04]
Partner support .30*** [.25, .34] -.08*** [-.11, -.05] -.05*** [-.08, -.03] Age .00 [-.01, .01] 41.80***
     R2 = .24 Gender .17*** [.06, .28]
     R2 change = .02*** Subject .03** [.01, .05]
Friend support .30*** [.25, .35] -.04** [-.07, -.01] .00 [-.03, .03] Age .00 [-.01, .01] 31.42***
     R2 = .20 Gender .17*** [.07, .28]
     R2 change = .00 Subject .03** [.01, .05]
Peer support .29*** [.24, .34] -.09*** [-.13, -.06] -.04*** [-.07, -.02] Age -.01 [-.02, .00] 39.06***
     R2 = .23 Gender .13* [-.02, .00]
     R2 change = .01*** Subject .02 [.00, .04]
Teacher support .31*** [.26, .36] -.09 [-.22, .03] .03 [-.10, .17] Age .00 [-.01, .01] 30.30***
     R2 = .19 Gender .19*** [.08, .30]
     R2 change = .00 Subject .02* [.00, .05]
Social media support .31*** [.26, .35] -.04 [-.12, .04] -.04 [-.12, .03] Age .00 [-.01, .01] 30.41***
     R2 = .19 Gender .19*** [.08, .30]
     R2 change = .00 Subject .02* [.00, .05]
Sense of community belonging .29*** [.25, .34] -.15*** [-.19, -.11] -.06** [-.10, -.02] Age -.01 [-.02, .00] 41.40***
     R2 = .24 Gender .16*** [.05, .27]
     R2 change = .01** Subject .01 [-.01, .03]
Meaningfulness of studying .27*** [.22, .31] -.21*** [-.27, -.15] -.12*** [-.17, -.07] Age -.00 [-.01, .01] 48.08***
     R2 = .27 Gender .15** [.04, .01]
     R2 change = .02*** Subject .02 [.00, .04]

PS: perceived stress, LLCI: lower limit confidence interval (95%), UCLI: upper limit confidence interval (95%) *significant at p<.05,**significant at p<.01, ***significant at p<.001

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:159-167; doi: 10.5116/ijme.674f.2679