Table 6. Conditional effects on anxiety
Moderator Condition Effect SE t LLCI UCLI
Parent support -1SD 0.52 0.03 16.8*** 0.46 0.58
M 0.44 0.02 19.1*** 0.39 0.48
+1SD 0.35 0.03 10.5*** 0.29 0.42
Partner support -1SD 0.50 0.03 15.5*** 0.43 0.56
M 0.45 0.02 19.3*** 0.40 0.49
+1SD 0.40 0.03 12.7*** 0.34 0.46
Peer support -1SD 0.51 0.03 16.5*** 0.45 0.57
M 0.44 0.02 19.2*** 0.39 0.48
+1SD 0.37 0.03 12.2*** 0.31 0.43
Sense of community belonging -1SD 0.49 0.03 15.3*** 0.43 0.56
M 0.44 0.02 19.3*** 0.39 0.48
+1SD 0.38 0.03 12.1*** 0.32 0.44
Meaningfulness of studying -1SD 0.48 0.03 15.0*** 0.42 0.55
M 0.41 0.02 18.1*** 0.37 0.46
+1SD 0.35 0.03 11.6*** 0.29 0.41

SE: standard error, LLCI: lower limit confidence interval (95%), UCLI: upper limit confidence interval (95%), ***significant at p<.001

Int J Med Educ. 2024; 15:159-167; doi: 10.5116/ijme.674f.2679