Table 3. Motivations for virtual conference attendance and the percentage of participants who deemed that motivation to have been fulfilled at the ERS conference.
Virtual motivation Percentage % (and proportion) of respondents reporting a motivation had been fulfilled*
to learn the latest scientific findings 72.7% (N=736/1012)
to learn the latest advancements in patient care 64.7 (N=652/1007)
to support my career development 50.4 (N=512/1016)
to meet experts and leaders in the field 37.7 (N=379/1006)
to foster personal change 31.9 (N=323/1012)
to fulfil the requirements of professional certification bodies, such as attaining CPD/CME credits 29.4 (N=297/1013)
to improve my teaching skills 28.6 (N=289/1009)
to foster change in my workplace 27.2 (N=275/1009)
to improve my communication skills (e.g., patient communication, team communication) 27.1 (N=275/1012)
to improve my practical clinical skills (e.g., in-person bronchoscopy) 26.6 (N=269/1012)
to support career developments of others 25.9 (N=261/1005)
to make/deepen professional connections 25.2 (N=255/1007)
to present my scientific/academic work 25.2 (N=255/1012)
to socially interact and spend time with peers 14.9 (N=151/1012)

*Participants who selected 6 or 7 on Likert scales where 1 strongly disagrees and 7 strongly agree (indicating strong agreement with each factor being fulfilled for motivation of conference attendance)  

Int J Med Educ. 2025; 16:11-20; doi: 10.5116/ijme.676f.ce30