Table 3. Overall scores of medical students’ adaptability and proactivity in the 6-week OB/GYN clerkship between groups
Category Checklist item Group 1 Group  2 Difference
Physically and environmental adaptability Locate patient 3.54 3.33 0.24
Movement 3.58 3.27 0.31
Interpersonal adaptability Self-introduction 3.36 3.36 0.00
Call names 3.19 3.25 -0.06
Cultural adaptability Team structure 3.70 3.88 -0.18
Setting 3.35 3.00 0.35
Dealing with uncertain work situations Reaction 3.27 3.18 0.09
Learning work tasks, technologies, and procedures Understand task 2.97 2.89 0.08
Discuss task 3.38 3.05 0.33
Perform task 2.74 3.23 -0.49
Average 3.31 3.24 0.07*

Note: Overall scores calculated over 2 consecutive 6 week clerkships. Scores based on WEI instrument using 4 point Likert scale; 1=poor to 4=excellent; Group 1- Students paired with Resident Coaches trained in Workplace Emotional Intelligence (WEI), Group 2- Students paired with Resident Coaches not trained in WEI. *p value = 0.019 calculated by Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test.

Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:208-212; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5658.0a6b