Table 4. Questionnaire responses comparing Graduate Entry Course (GEC) students and non-GEC students
Variable GEC (n=62) Non-GEC (n=207)
Mean age [range] 26.5 [24-42] 23 [22-35]
Median decile [range] 2* [1-9] 4* [1-10]
Mean hours of self-regulated learning / week [range]    
  Term 9 [0-32] 10 [0-50]
Revision 33 [0-100] 35 [0-120]
Mean hours of extracurricular activity / week [range] 10.2 [0-62] 9.8 [0-69]

* p < 0.0001

Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:111-117; doi: 10.5116/ijme.55f8.5f04