Table 2. Duke-NUS student perceptions: student and supervisor clinical reasoning and evidence based medicine value and clinical use
Student Perceptions Clinical Reasoning Evidence Based Medicine
Student Mean (SD) SupervisorMean (SD) Pvalue Student Mean (SD) Supervisor Mean (SD) Pvalue
Value 4.23 (0.75) 3.90 (0.74) 0.03 4.18 (0.7) 3.68 (0.83) 0.001
Clinical use 3.78 (0.73) 3.95 (0.64) 0.83 3.35 (0.77) 3.50 (0.93) 0.82
Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:142-148; doi: 10.5116/ijme.563a.5dd0