Table 3. Factors associated with student clinical reasoning and evidence-based medicine use in the clinical setting
Factors Students’ Clinical Reasoning Use in theClinical Setting Students’ Evidence-basedMedicine Use in the Clinical Setting
Parameter estimate P value Parameter estimate P value
Teaching culture summary score *composite of 4 questions representing  the teaching culture: supervisor teaching CR/EBM, transparency of CR, and appreciation students skills in these (crohnbach α=0.90, eigenvalue 3.72; mean 3.60) 0.09 0.61 0.17 0.40
Practice culture summary score *composite of 5 questions representing practice culture: supervisor value and use of CR/EBM, and likelihood of using the medical literature to inform decision making. (crohnbach α=0.91 eigenvalue 3.16; mean 3.31) 0.46 0.05 0.33 0.21
Classroom experience with the skill 0.27 0.04 0.32 0.03
Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:142-148; doi: 10.5116/ijme.563a.5dd0