Table 1. Assessment styles for Finals ordered according to popularity (n = 26)
Assessment style* Frequency (%) 95% CI**
MCQ 24 (92.3) (86.5, 95.7)
OSCE 25 (96.2) (91.4, 98.3)
SAQ 9 (34.6) (27.1, 43.0)
MiniCeX 3 (11.5) (7.2, 18.0)
OSLER 3 (11.5) (7.2, 18.0)
Essay 2 (7.7) (4.3, 13.5)
Portfolio 2 (7.7) (4.3, 13.5)
Portfolio viva 2 (7.7) (4.3, 13.5)
DOPS 1 (3.8) (1.7, 8.6)
Long case 1 (3.8) (1.7, 8.6)
Ward simulation exercise† 1 (3.8) (1.7, 8.6)

*Abbreviations in row headers are defined in the methods section of this paper under 'Use of terminology'. **95% CIs were calculated using the Wilson score method11 with a correction for finite populations.12 †This category was volunteered by a respondent under ‘Other’ and hence added retrospectively to the response options in the presentation of findings.

Int J Med Educ. 2015; 6:125-135; doi: 10.5116/ijme.560e.c964