Table 3. Estimated Intraclass Correlation Coefficients-2 (ICC-2) for common items
Case number of items analysed n ICC (CI)
Whole Instrument 28 0.45 (0.41, 0.49)
Initiating the Session 4 0.50 (0.41, 0.60)
Gathering Information 7 0.40 (0.32, 0.49)
Building the Relationship 6 0.39 (0.31, 0.48)
Providing Structure 2 0.42 (0.29, 0.57)
Sharing Information 5 0.52 (0.44, 0.61)
Closing the Session 2 0.12 (-0.02, 0.26)
Overall Student Performance 2 0.31 (0.19, 0.46)

Note: Common items are similar across all four cases, including the core 26 scaled items and two Overall Student Performance questions. ICC-2 estimates and 95% confidence intervals are listed. Values of ICC-2 can be interpreted as follows: ICC

Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:168-179; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5740.4262