Table 1. Student (n=94) responses on important of attributes of an effective health educator
Attribute Student response % (n)
Strongly disagree Disagree Neither disagree or agree Agree Strongly agree
1. Enthusiasm 3.2 (3) 1.1 (1) 2.1 (2) 45.7 (43) 47.9 (45)
2. Availability 2.1 (2) 1.1 (1) 17.0 (16) 51.1 (48) 18.7 (27)
3. Clarity 2.1 (2) 2.1 (2) 3.2 (3) 35.1 (33) 57.5 (54)
4. Knowledge base 2.1 (2) 1.1 (1) 2.1 (2) 41.5 (39) 53.2 (50)
5. Feedback skills 2.1 (2) 0 (0) 8.5 (8) 53.2 (50) 36.2 (34)
6. Organisation skills 3.2 (3) 2.1 (2) 6.4 (6) 46.8 (44) 41.5 (39)
7. Professionalism 2.1 (2) 0 (0) 7.5 (7) 47.9 (45) 42.6 (40)
8. Well prepared 2.1 (2) 1.1 (1) 1.1 (1) 47.9 (45) 47.9 (45)
9. Scholarly activity 1.1 (1) 5.4 (5) 48.4 (45) 34.4 (32) 10.8 (10)
10. Non-judgemental 2.2 (2) 1.1 (1) 5.4 (5) 32.3 (30) 59.1 (55)
11. Respects students 2.2 (2) 1.1 (1) 7.5 (7) 44.1 (41) 45.2 (42)
12. Sincerity 2.1 (2) 0 (0) 6.4 (6) 54.3 (51) 37.2 (35)
13. Listening skills 2.2 (2) 0 (0) 5.4 (5) 43.2 (43) 43.2 (43)
14. Practices EBM 2.1 (2) 1.1 (1) 14.9 (14) 55.3 (52) 26.6 (25)
15. Role model 2.1 (2) 2.1 (2) 12.8 (12) 50.0 (47) 33.0 (31)
Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:206-211; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5765.0b6a