Table 2. Comparing the three most and three least important health educator attributes among male and female students
Attribute 3 most important attributes 3 least important attributes
Female  (n=70) Male (n=24) z-value, p-value Female (n=70) Male (n=24) z-value, p-value
1. Enthusiasm 55.7 (39) 25.0 (6) 0.25, 0.01* 5.7 (4) 4.2 (1) 0.28, 0.77
2. Availability 25.7 (18) 25.0 (6) 0.06, 0.94 4.3 (3) 8.3 (2) -0.75, 0.45
3. Clarity 37.1 (26) 41.7 (10) -0.40, 0.69 8.6 (6) 4.2 (1) 0.71, 0.48
4. Knowledge base 48.6 (34) 54.2 (13) -0.47, 0.63 4.3 (3) 0 (0) 1.03, 0.31
5. Feedback skills 21.4 (15) 25.0 (6) -0.36, 0.71 2.9 (2) 0 (0) 0.84, 0.40
6. Organisation skills 14.3(10) 16.7 (4) -0.29, 0.77 5.7 (4) 0 (0) 1.20, 0.23
7. Professionalism 2.9 (2) 12.5 (3) -1.80, 0.07 20.0 (14) 12.5 (3) 0.82, 0.41
8. Well prepared 27.1 (19) 4.2 (1) 2.33, 0.02* 1.4 (1) 12.5 (3) -2.33, 0.02*
9. Scholarly activity 4.3 (3) 0 (0) 1.03, 0.30 55.7 (39) 54.2 (13) 0.13, 0.89
10. Non-judgemental 7.1 (5) 8.3 (2) -0.19, 0.84 14.3 (10) 16.7 (4) -0.28, 0.77
11. Respects students 8.6 (6) 8.3 (2) 0.04, 0.96 14.3 (10) 12.5 (3) 0.22, 0.83
12. Sincerity 10.0 (7) 12.5 (3) -0.34, 0.73 20.0 (14) 33.3 (8) -1.32, 0.19
13. Listening skills 2.9 (2) 8.3 (2) -1.12, 0.26 8.6 (6) 8.3 (2) 0.45, 0.96
14. Practices EBM 4.3 (3) 8.3 (2) -0.75, 0.45 41.4 (29) 25 (6) 1.43, 0.16
15. Role model 1.4 (1) 8.3 (2) -1.67, 0.10 55.7 (39) 58.3 (14) -0.22, 0.83

*Significant at p<0.05

Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:206-211; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5765.0b6a