Table 2. Median retrospective pre and post workshop self-efficacy scores (N=38) for workshop learning objectives and Wilcoxon signed-rank test results comparing pre and post workshop scores
Activity (Learning objectives) Median pre workshop score Median post workshop score Z-score p-value
Identifying the rewards and costs of a successful academic career 4 5 -5.369 < 0.0001
Meeting challenges of maintaining work-life balance within your career 4 5 -4.700 < 0.0001
Locating available resources and developing strategies that maintain wellness 3 5 -5.467 < 0.0001
Mapping out a plan to reassess work-life balance at regular intervals 3 5 -5.413 < 0.0001
Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:255-260; doi: 10.5116/ijme.578a.2064