Table 2. Factor loading and commonalities of the Brazilian version of Gap-Kalamazoo Communication Skills Assessment Form
Items Factor loading Commonalities
A. Builds a Relationship 0.7825 0.6123
B. Opens the Discussion 0.7523 0.5659
C. Gathers Information 0.8332 0.6942
D. Understands the Patient’s and Family’s Perspective 0.8105 0.6569
E. Shares Information 0.7547 0.5696
F. Reaches Agreement 0.7878 0.6206
G. Provides Closure 0.6884 0.4739
H. Demonstrates Empathy 0.7032 0.4944
I. Communicates Accurate Information 0.5937 0.3525
Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:400-405; doi: 10.5116/ijme.583a.df42