Table 1. Categories and subcategories of participants’ experiences
Categories Subcategories
Inner struggle Low self-confidence
Overestimating others’ ability
Magnifying exam difficulty
Catastrophizing failure
Pessimism towards test designers
What will happen?
Sweet daydreaming
Putting themselves under pressure Studying long hours
Studying hard
Inefficient mapping Homogenization
Excessive attention to detail
Search about out of mind points
Improper final review Wasted review
Excessive review
Afflicted body Anxiety
Weight gain
Inefficient test-taking skills Overcomplicating
Answering in order
Poor time management
Hesitation at the end of the exam
Obsessive checking
Liberation Happy Liberation
Bitter Liberation
Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:345-353; doi: 10.5116/ijme.57eb.cc09