Table 1. Basic structure for interpretive arguments: purpose, intended scores interpretation and use, target construct, target domain and target sub-domain
Purpose of clinical audit project
·      The CAP is a capstone project for students to synthesise what they have learned from the population and preventive health curriculum (includes evidence based medicine, research, health systems, quality and safety, and professionalism) in the first three years of the MBBS and apply it in a real-life clinical workplace to measure and advocate for improvements in the quality of an aspect of patient care.
Scores interpretation and use
·      CAP scores contribute to 10% of student’s overall final year grade
·      CAP scores are used to identify students who have demonstrated significant deficiency in their ability to conduct and report a CAP, so that these students can undergo a remediation program, either to improve on the existing audit project or conduct a new project
Target construct Target domain Target sub-domain
The target construct in the assessment program for final year students in MBBS course is the overarching curriculum outcome, i.e. the competence of a safe medical practitioner. The target domain assessed in the CAP is the competency in conducting a real clinical audit project, reporting the results, disseminating the findings and reflecting on the experience.   The task of conducting, reporting, disseminating findings and reflecting on related experience are guided by documented steps (or sub-domains), which include the Identification of a topic for audit (rationale and significance);  identification of a SMART standard for audit in the a clinical setting;  Appropriate methodology; Appropriate data analysis; Appropriate reporting of findings; Reflection; Appropriate involvement of stakeholders.
Int J Med Educ. 2016; 7:309-319; doi: 10.5116/ijme.57da.c89a