Table 3. Multiple linear regression model for the prediction of depression, anxiety and stress in dental students
Predictor Subscale Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t p Collinearity Statistics
b SE β     Tolerance VIF
Constant D 33.597 8.272   4.062 .000*    
A 22.598 5.559   4.065 .000*    
S 29.473 5.737   5.137 <.001*    
Gender (1 = Male, 0 = Female) D -2.275 1.668 -.106 -1.364 .174 .586 1.705
A -3.589 1.480 -.189 -2.424 .016* .586 1.705
S -4.099 1.528 -.204 -2.683 .008* .586 1.705
Marital status (1 = Married, 0 = Not Married) D 0.324 2.310 .009 0.140 .889 .937 1.067
A 3.331 2.049 .100 1.625 .105 .937 1.067
S 2.762 2.115 .079 1.306 .193 .937 1.067
Year of study (1 to 5) D 0.880 .496 .117 1.774 .077 .821 1.218
A 3.331 2.049 .100 1.625 .105 .937 1.067
S 0.573 .454 .081 1.261 .209 .821 1.218
GPA of the previous year (2 to 4) D 0.893 1.221 .058 0.731 .465 .569 1.758
A 3.331 2.049 .100 1.625 .105 .937 1.067
S 1.318 1.118 .091 1.179 .240 .569 1.758
Was studying dentistry your first choice? (1 = Yes, 0 = No) D -1.640 1.438 -.074 -1.140 .255 .847 1.181
A -2.430 1.276 -.124 -1.904 .058 .847 1.181
S -2.648 1.317 -.127 -2.011 .045* .847 1.181
Do you have financial responsibilities towards your family? (1=Yes, 0 = No) D -0.401 1.800 -.014 -0.223 .824 .887 1.127
A -2.430 1.276 -.124 -1.904 .058 .847 1.181
S -0.756 1.648 -.028 -.459 .647 .887 1.127
How satisfied are you with your relationship with your peers? (1 to 3) D -3.527 .982 -.229 -3.592 <.001* .875 1.143
A -2.119 .871 -.155 -2.432 .016* .875 1.143
S -2.096 .899 -.145 -2.331 .021* .875 1.143
How satisfied are you with your relationship with college faculty? (1 to 3) D -2.318 .856 -.174 -2.709 .007* .859 1.165
A -2.213 .759 -.188 -2.914 .004* .859 1.165
S -2.854 .784 -.229 -3.642 <.001* .859 1.165
Overall, are you satisfied with your experience at college?(1 to 3) D -0.433 .921 -.029 -0.470 .639 .923 1.084
A 0.793 .817 .060 .971 .333 .923 1.084
S -0.017 .843 -.001 -.020 .984 .923 1.084

*Significant predictor (p < .05)

D=depression, A=anxiety, S=stress, SE=standard error, VIF=variance inflation factor

Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:179-186; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5910.b961