Table 3. Examples of comments about the educational impact of the app-based GeCoS workplace assessment system
Comment 13  Within each section there were various descriptors of what you would hope to see in good consulting and those are quite helpful to be able to read through with the student to sort of say these are things that I’m talking about Tutor 5 (GP)
Comment 14 Did you find that your GP people would just tell you anyway? That you didn’t really need the whole formality of (using the app)..?
  Yeah but they’d forget … whereas if you’d got those bullet points in GeCoS they’d think oh actually you’ve done x, y and z really well, but I forgot to tell you about that. Students 2(f) and 3(f) Focus Group B
Comment 15 We have lots of discussions erm and then I suppose one of the difficulties is you’re having discussion and then trying to put that in a structured format within GeCoS.
  Interviewer: So is GeCoS a constraint?
  Yes I suppose in some ways it is but if you didn’t have that structure then other areas of feedback might be missed. I don’t know really. I can’t see it working if you didn’t have some formal assessment tool…. I think one of the downsides of it is that it’s so comprehensive that actually sometimes it’s quite hard to find the slot to put your feedback. Then it gives you a structure because otherwise you may end up just with a bit of waffle in a box which could easily turn into very sort of limited value for the student. Tutor 7 (GP)
Comment 16 I would really like a truthful feedback rather than a tick box thing, nearly a letter from my GP just saying this is what I thought you did really well but this is what you’ve improved on.
  It’s finding the middle ground, isn’t it? Something that will prompt them but doesn’t then limit them It’s so easy for them to tick the box whereas if they have to physically write something, they have to think about what it is and if they can’t think of anything they don’t write anything, it’s as simple as that. Students 4(m), 6(m) and 2(f) Focus Group B
Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:207-216; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5910.dc69