Table 2. Evaluations of the discussion contents diversity for video- and paper-based PBL, Chiba University Hospital in 2014 (N=42)
ICPC-2* PBL 25th** Median 75th† p value
Number of codes Video 15.5 19 23.5 0.641
Paper 16 21 23
Number of chapter types Video 7 7 9 0.247
Paper 7 8 9
Rate of psychological codes (%) Video 1.4 6.7 11.6 0.071
Paper 5.2 12.5 15.5

*ICPC-2 International Classification of Primary Care Second Edition; **25th percentile; †75th percentile; ‡The ICPC-2 contains 17 chapters. Chapters are based on body systems with an additional chapter for psychological problems and one for social problems: for example, B is blood and P is psychological; ¶The rate of the psychology codes = (the number of psychology codes / the number of all codes) ×100(%).

Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:70-76; doi: 10.5116/ijme.589f.6ef0