Table 3. Examples from the content analysis; condensed meaning units, codes, subcategories and categories
Meaning unit (examples of each category) Codes Subcategory Category
It needs to be a language where normal patients can keep up” (Male 14, design session, website prototype) Recognizable language Usual terms/daily expressions Clear language and text Adapting the content to the patient group
“…you could also go in and write what you have experienced… it could be like a space for patients’ opinions or experiences …where you go in and say this and that... and say that was a good way… for those who are interested…” (Male 13, design session, paper prototype) Sharing experiences Expressing opinions Support to others Peer support Opportunities to interact with peers and professionals for support
“…the website should rather have few things… and then you can “dig” into… the more topics the more difficult it gets to go through it… and some will simply skip it…” (Male 15, design session website prototype) Different topics Layers of information Accessibility and usefulness Basic issues Interface for learning
Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:47-58; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5898.309e