Table 4. Gender-based comparison of the average score of subscales
Domains Female Male t p-value
Domain 1: Student’s learning perception Max score:48 23.55±7.8 20.9±8 2.65 0.008
Domain 2: Student’s perception of the course instructors Max score:44 23.75±6 22.17±7 1.77 0.079
Domain 3: Student’s perception of his/her scientific competence Max score:32 18±5 18±6 -0.129 0.89
Domain 4: student’s perception of the environment  Max score:48 25.8±7.6 24±8 1.827 0.068
Domain 5: student’s perception of social circumstances Max score:28 16±4 15±4 2.3 0.022
Total 107.4±24.5 100.3±24.7 2.3 0.021
Int J Med Educ. 2017; 8:300-306; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5977.7129