Table 1. Codes, subcategories, categories, and theme emerging in the analysis
Codes (examples) Subcategories Category Theme
Personal interest motivational Personality and skills essential Develop my personality into professional skills, as a tutor and physician Let me develop my skills in a supportive workplace, provide feedback and merits, and I will continue tutoring.
Lack of competence as a physician impedes Education as a tutor and physician, stimulants by colleagues important
Acceptance and support from management necessary The positive educational culture at the workplace essential Workplace culture supports education  
Acceptable workload would encourage Adequate time for tutoring hinders work overload
Planning, a necessity University’s assignment form important Clear-cut assignment, feedback, and merits
Positive feedback from students motivational Feedback, merits, and financial compensation after fulfilled tutorship needed
Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:151-157; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5b07.d108