Table 3. CRM Module evaluation survey by discipline
Items All (Mean ± SD) Medicine (Mean ± SD) Nursing (Mean ± SD) Pharmacy (Mean ± SD) p-value
The CRM concepts can be applied to patient care to reduce harm to patients. 4.59±0.5 4.53±.52 5.0±0.0 4.5±0.51 .09
I developed new skills and/or knowledge as a result of my participation in the CRM session. 4.17±0.53 4.0±0.53 4.17±.41 4.28±0.57 .35
I see myself using the skills and/or knowledge gained from the CRM session in the clinical area. 4.29±0.56 4.07±0.59 4.67±0.52 4.33±0.49 .07
Overall, the CRM session was worthwhile. 4.27 ± 0.59 4.13±0.64 4.33±0.52 4.39±0.61 .48
The teaching strategies used in this session were effective. 4.13±0.83 4.07±0.88 4.4±0.55 4.11±0.90 .75
I would recommend this training for other clinicians. 4.32±0.72 4±0.93 4.5±0.55 4.44±0.51 .16
I would be interested in more training that is similar to this training. 3.9±0.70 3.6±0.83 4.17±0.41 4.06±0.64 .12

Note: Social Work student responses removed for the inferential analysis

Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:182-188; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5b30.9a84