Table 2. DREEM items with an average score of greater than 3.0 or lower than 2.5
Item No Items Subscale Mean score SD Median score Min-Max score
2 The course organizers are knowledgeable SPT 3.38 0.61 3 0-4
47 Long term learning is emphasized over short-term learning SPL 3.32 0.67 3 0-4
15 I have good friends in this course SSP 3.15 0.74 3 0-4
19 My social life is good SSP 3.13 0.67 3 0-4
30 There are opportunities for me to develop interpersonal skills SPA 3.11 0.63 3 0-4
31 I have learned a lot about empathy in my profession SAP 3.02 0.71 3 0-4
18 The course organizers appear to have effective communication skills with patients SPT 3.02 0.69 3 0-4
7 The teaching is often stimulating SPL 3.01 0.69 3 0-4
40 The course organizers are well prepared for their teaching sessions SPT 3.01 0.68 3 0-4
41 My problem-solving skills are being well developed here SAP 2.48 0.72 2 0-4
36 I am able to concentrate well SPA 2.47 0.78 3 0-4
12 This course is well timetabled SPA 2.39 0.87 2 0-4
3 There is a good support system for registrars who get stressed SSP 2.37 0.92 2 0-4
11 The atmosphere is relaxed during consultation teaching SPA 2.33 0.92 2 0-4
48 The teaching is too teacher centered SPT 2.28 0.91 2 0-4
4 I am too tired to enjoy the course SSP 2.27 1.00 2 0-4
27 I am able to memorize all I need SAP 2.27 0.83 2 0-4
14 I am rarely bored on this course SSP 2.27 0.86 2 0-4
35 I find the experience disappointing SPA 2.13 1.00 2 0-4
42 The enjoyment outweighs the stress of the course SPA 2.06 0.90 2 0-4
Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:18-23; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5a4a.1eda