Table 3. Themes and categories concerning opinions from residents, colleagues and patients
Residents' theme: feedback from different perspectives stimulate self-reflection and development
·       A new and useful tool describing important medical competences
·       The tool can provide essential support in assessment and development
·       A tool for self-reflection
·       Different colleagues can assess different competencies
·       Patients' assessments are particularly important
·        Communication is an important competence where language skills matter
Colleagues' theme: the tool assesses important competencies and needs to be used sensitively
·       The tool addresses important issues
·       It might feel uncomfortable to be rated, but also rewarding
·       Different professionals' perspectives contribute differently to the assessment
·       Language skills are important and relevant
Patients' theme: a relevant tool to express patients’ views
·       Well-formulated, well-structured, and relevant questions
·       An important tool for patients where they can communicate both negative and positive views
·       The questionnaire contains questions that reflect the patient's needs in a medical encounter
·       The doctor's language skills are important for communicating with the patient
Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:161-169; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5af6.c209