Table 2. Comparing average scores of empathy and emotional intelligence in terms of years of university education
University education Year Empathy Mean (SD) Emotional intelligence Mean (SD)
First 100.85 (8.16) 151.68 (17.47)
Second 100.12 (10.77) 151.45 (14.48)
Third 103.62 (14.5) 146.83 (17.12)
Fourth 109.16 (10.61) 148.14 (17.80)
ANOVA test   F (3, 316) =10.641 p<.001 F (3, 316) =1.563 p=.198
Int J Med Educ. 2018; 9:239-243; doi: 10.5116/ijme.5b83.e2a5