Contemporary pedagogy within surgical education websites: a review of the literature

Jain B. Pillai1 and Reg Dennick2

1Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire, UK

2Medical Education Unit, University of Nottingham, UK

Submitted: 04/08/2011; Accepted: 18/12/2011; Published: 25/02/2012

Int J Med Educ. 2012; 3:21-36; doi: 10.5116/ijme.4eed.ec93

© 2012 Jain B. Pillai & Reg Dennick. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits unrestricted use of work provided the original work is properly cited.

Objectives: To investigate if current surgical web based education provides appropriate learning experiences, viewed through the frameworks of contemporary pedagogy.

Methods: Using defined exclusion and inclusion criteria, we searched the medical literature for papers on surgical web education. We analysed the instructional designs and web utilities to uncover the pedagogical frameworks underpinning the teaching and learning experiences used.

Results: Twenty five eligible studies were analysed and descriptive summary statistics were produced. Traditional teacher-centred behaviourist pedagogy underpinned 52% (n=12) of the studies. Socio-constructive pedagogy that fosters dialogue, collaboration and co-construction of knowledge was seen in 21% (n=5). A humanistic context was seen in 21% (n=5). Learner generated content was present in 9% (n=2). Examples of good web implementation of various pedagogic frameworks are described.

Conclusions: Pedagogic shortcomings and underutilisation of Web 2.0 technology are revealed in current web surgical education. Educators must shift away from the traditional focus on teacher centred content delivery. The web remains impersonal. Social constructivism, collaboration and two way communications need more focus. We propose some recommendations and suggest that these should apply to any medical education website for pedagogic rigour. These highlight the exciting opportunities for future research in assessing educationally balanced web technology as a solution for consistent 'out of operating room' training in surgery amidst increasing service commitments.